The Social DNA – 5 tips for healthcare marketing on social media

  • Varun
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  • Published Date : 8 December , 2014
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  • Updated Date : 24 May , 2021
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    • 2 min read

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In the constantly evolving digital space, social media has undoubtedly become the nuclear weapon of mass persuasion. Social media analyses huge number of people with tremendous levels of information, the places they go, the people they talk to, their connection, and activities they are interested in.

Recently, social media began to elope with the healthcare vertical, successfully abducting the elements of marketing the same - something that social media has been adept in. This act has caught the attention of a vast pool of healthcare businesses which are on a constant poach to tap its potential, trying to deploy a team internally to manage the same.

The 5 social media tips listed below will help healthcare businesses, acting as a compass to claim the treasure of maximum potential in healthcare marketing.

Don’t wait for an ambulance. Pull your super-car out of the garage!
Though many believe that social media is a temporary trend, the fact is that it has pulled the handbrakes for the next decade and beyond. The sooner your organization seat belts on a super-car and accelerates itself to an active presence in social media, the less chances it will face to summon and wait for an ambulance to rescue it.

Fill the preoperative form
Establish a social media policy that will protect your business against security and privacy breaches. Mandate the policy and educate all your staff regarding the same through training and outreach programs. This is to make sure that all your staffs are able to fully comprehend and carry out the policy.

Trial your medicine
You don’t have to prime an elaborate social media plan in the start. Remember that social media is a medicine which is potentially going to improve your business. So test the medicine by starting small and monitoring the outcomes. Based on the results, ask what your business should be doing to maximize the outcomes by leveraging social media to accomplish your key healthcare goals.

Formulate an antidote
Customers are the antidote to cleanse your business through social media. Follow them, listen to what they are talking about your products/services, and your business as a brand. Monitor your competition on social media and listen to what they are saying about themselves. This will make you alter your communication to your customers, in a more effective manner.

Deploy medication
Commission a social media team with members who have a good knowledge on social media and its tools. Pick people who are internet-savvy and are excited about the using social media in the healthcare domain, to benefit your organization. Through time, this will be the medication that will determine your existence in the digital universe.

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DruhiDeep2017-10-31 < Reply

Very informative article, Digital revolution in India with the health care system service providers helping individuals in maintain records and supporting.

orthodel2016-08-08 < Reply

thanks for sharing information about health care , great tips.

ortho_del2016-07-12 < Reply

very well written about social DNA . i really appreciate your tips .it is very useful .