Have a particular interest that you are extremely passionate about? Then blogging is the perfect way to start exploring your interest. Blogging is a hobby or a way to build your brand. It is a powerful tool, which can be a great PR for you and your brand. A blog is a simple, easy-to-use platform for connecting with and sharing timely and relevant information with customers. It’s your direct communication channel.
From an online journal at 1,000 words per post to a simple 140-character Twitter feed, blogging has taken center stage largely because of how useful it has proven itself to be in almost all areas of business. If successful, blogging can be a good way to make money and a full time career path as well. However, before we start talking about making a career out of it, the first step is to determine a topic of interest and set up the blog.
To set up your blog hardly takes 30 minutes. Â If you are planning to start the blog, then here the various top blogging platforms that you can use.
LAUREN2018-09-10 < Reply
This is very helpful post for those who are looking at Blogging as a full time career option. Thanks for sharing it.
innothoughts2016-08-29 < Reply
Great Information, Thanks for sharing
Nagendra2015-12-26 < Reply
I am new to blogging and digital marketing and glad to know that many more like me are looking at blogging as a full time career. Thanks for the excellent piece.
Pooja Bhalla2015-12-14 < Reply
This is very helpful post for those who are looking at Blogging as a full time career option. Thanks for sharing it.